Term presets

In addition to the regime, term presets determine the values that a project will use for calculations. You can add terms to individual projects, or to all of the projects within a folder.

To configure a term preset:

  1. Select either a project or its parent folder in the hierarchy.
  2. Click the 'right arrow' and select Terms.
  3. Select a folder and click on 'Terms'

  4. In the window that opens, select the Regime Term Preset you want to use from the drop-down menu.
  5. Selecting a preset

  6. Configure the preset by setting its Inflation Date, Scalar Conversion Date, and entering values where required. For example:
  7. Regime Term Preset-Value settings

  8. Use the Overridden check box to override a terms value. The override will be applied only to the current terms document. However if you check the Push Down box then the value will be pushed down to any child terms documents; if the Push Down is removed later then the child documents will revert to the values that were in use before the push down was applied. When the push down is in place, in a child document you will see a value override like the following:
  9. Regime Term Preset-Value settings-Child-document

  10. To save the preset, click the Save button in the Terms Home tab on the ribbon. The preset is now configured for use in the project. To ensure it is active, make sure it appears in the Regime Term Preset field.